
Cancellation & Refund Policy

This Return Policy outlines the terms and conditions governing returns and refunds for software development services provided by H C FULARA TECHNOLOGIES,. By engaging the services of the Company, the client agrees to the following return policy:

  1. Scope of the Policy:
    This Policy applies to software development services provided by the Company. It does not cover physical products or third-party software or services.
  2. Refund Eligibility:

    a. The Company offers refunds under the following circumstances:

    i. Non-Delivery: If the Company fails to deliver the agreed-upon software development services within the specified timeline, the Client may be eligible for a refund.

    ii. Material Defects: If the software developed by the Company contains material defects that significantly impact its functionality or performance, the Client may be eligible for a refund.

    b. The Client must report the issue in writing to the Company within a reasonable time from the discovery of the issue, providing detailed information and evidence supporting the claim for a refund.

  3. Refund Process:

    a. The Client must submit a refund request in writing to the Company, explaining the reasons for the refund and providing all relevant supporting documentation.

    b. The Company will review the refund request and, if deemed eligible, will initiate the refund process.

    c. The refund may be provided in the same form and manner as the original payment, unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties.

    d. If Any refund is there it will be done withing 10-15 days.

  4. Refund Amount:

    a. The refund amount, if approved, will be determined based on the specific circumstances of the refund request.

    b. The Company reserves the right to offer a partial refund or alternative remedies, such as additional development efforts to rectify the reported issues, instead of a full refund.

  5. Exclusions:

    The Company will not provide refunds under the following circumstances:

    a. Changes in Requirements: If the reported issues or dissatisfaction arise due to changes in requirements or specifications provided by the Client after the initial agreement.

    b. Client Negligence: If the issues or dissatisfaction result from the Client's failure to adhere to the recommended practices, misuse of the software, or negligence in providing required information or cooperation.

  6. Limitation of Liability:

    total liability of the Company for any refund shall be limited to the fees paid by the Client for the specific software development services that are subject to the refund request.The

  7. Modifications to the Policy:

    Company reserves the right to modify or update this Return Policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be effective upon posting the revised Policy on the Company's website.The

  8. Contact Information:

    For refund requests or further information regarding this Return Policy, the Client may contact the Company using the provided contact details.

  9. Cancellation Policy : As we are providing customized software development services. We used to take order after multiple process of and taking approval from our clients.Once Client Agree With Our Services we register any kind of order so there is no cancellation ploicy once offer has been placed.

By engaging the services of the Company, the Client acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by this Return Policy.